Taiwan Debate Union Announcement [台灣辯論聯盟籌備會公告 徵求會員入會]
台灣辯論聯盟籌備會公告 徵求會員入會 中華民國107年4月21日臺辯籌(一)字第1804001號 主 旨:本會經內政部106年11月28日台內團字第1061403398號函准設立,並成立籌備會,茲公開徵求會員。 公告事項:...
Tournament: Formosa Debate Open
A bit of a late update, but a special shout-out to everyone who participated at the 2018 Formosa Debate Openlast month. I hope you all...
Announcement: The Inaugurual Taiwan Youth Development Pool 2018 - Applications Open Now!
After a period of engaging with various stakeholders in the Taiwanese debate community, we have decided to introduce the inaugural...
Selection for National Pool 2018
Hi all, What you've been waiting for! After a competitive try-out with over 50 debaters, and the hard work of our our judges/selectors,...